About the author.


Photo by Robert Newell

G.W. Darcie, Ph.D., grew up in Georgetown, Ontario, and developed a strong interest in sci-fi and technology at an early age. After studying at the universities of Waterloo and Windsor, he enjoyed a long career as a clinical psychologist and couples therapist. Former pilot and scuba diver, he’s still drawn to sky and water. 

He won an Olive Woolley Burt Award for Creative Writing – 2022 for his first short story, Machine. He was awarded First Place in the category of General and Literary Fiction.

“Sci-fi and technology go hand in hand. As a life-long technophile, my fascination with the interaction between people and technology has been informed by my study of psychology. I find fertile ground for speculation in the question of where our technology will take us as we become increasingly entwined with it. Areas I have enjoyed exploring include advances in bio-tech, artificial intelligence and robotics (See my Robots and AI articles).”

Favorite book on writing: The Emotional Craft of Fiction, by Donald Maass

Favorite book title: The Fifth Season, by N.K. Jemisin. (There are only four seasons. Right from the title, we’re into unknown territory.)



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