Art by Bill Ralph

What’s Next?

The Science Behind Guardian Android

I know what you’re thinking. (Of course I really don’t, but let’s not burst that bubble just now.) You think I’m talking about the science of gears and wires and stuff, you know, what robots are made from. Sorry, I know diddly about all that. No, I’m talking about the...

The World Ahead

You want to know the future. I know you do. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I know what’s coming. Oh, I know what you’re thinking. And you have every right to think that. In fact, if you weren’t thinking it, I’d be a little concerned about you. So I hope...

The Sphere of Knowledge

Seven Billion Worlds

Past or Future?

The World Ahead

The Science Behind Guardian Android

Time for Robot Fiction to go hard

A tool-building species.

Machine consciousness

Intelligence vs. Sentience

Whole Body Intelligence

Biomimetics and Neuromimetics

Can machines think?

The Science Behind Guardian Android

The Science Behind Guardian Android

I know what you’re thinking. (Of course I really don’t, but let’s not burst that bubble just now.) You think I’m talking about the science of gears and wires and stuff, you know, what robots are...

The World Ahead

The World Ahead

You want to know the future. I know you do. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I know what’s coming. Oh, I know what you’re thinking. And you have every right to think that. In fact, if you...

The Sphere of Knowledge

The Sphere of Knowledge

The more we know, the more we come to see how little we know. I expect this is true in all areas of deep study. Years ago, I came across a wonderful analogy, “the sphere if knowledge,” that I think...

Seven Billion Worlds

Seven Billion Worlds

-- on one planet. Want to visit a strange new world? Talk to a human. Though largely unaware of this fact, each one of us lives in our own little world. (Wait a minute; I guess that's pretty obvious...

Past or Future?

Past or Future?

Past or future? Which draws you? Almost everyone has a preference.  Science fiction tends to appeal to future-oriented people, as does speculative fiction in general. Other genres tend to be...

Time for Robot Fiction to go hard

Hello and Welcome. This blog is about robot technology, present and near future. If you love robots, please join the conversation. Robots have been a mainstay of science fiction since its early...

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